I've decided to stay. I find that the people who like my music should affect me more, which apparently was the problem.
Thanks to everyone who likes my music, You guys are the reason I make it, not those other pricks who don't even listen to the song or think about what to vote and say.
Also, know that I read every single review, and I try to answer to each one when I have time :)
Any ideas on which WiP I should finish first? or should i make any longer?
Awseome, Glad to hear your staying. It'd be a shame if NG lost a great producer. Im using your beat DJViolin (Or how ever u spelled it. =) For my "Rymix'd Progression" Album. Check the page out. I got u some rep on their. ^___^ I'll let u kno when its done. Stay up fam! keep it fire! PEace!
Hey man, thanks a bunch. I read your entire post on your page. I never had confidence like that. I mean, I've never thought of my songs as good enough to be sold or anything, so I just did it for the sake of people liking it, as a hobby. Whenever my songs get bombed, It makes me think that my song wasnt good enough or something... But nonetheless, I cant wait to hear what you did with Violin Hip Hop. I'm glad you liked it so much :)