View Profile Meonly70
DJ Link @Meonly70




Joined on 10/11/08

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Posted by Meonly70 - November 5th, 2009

Tell ME what you think about this website.


Good,nice,awesome.You cant quit this site! Are you quiting right??

I'm so close to quitting but something is keeping me here. I already found another website similar to this one. Don't worry, If I ever do, i'll let you guys know. I just get so angry when people purposely review/rate badly here. Its too childish and i dont need children to bash on my work.

its got some of the greatest stuff on the internet here.....and its just plain awsome

Pros: A big, heaping flash portal, a slowly decaying audio portal, an art portal, a forum-type system, reviews, votes, favorite artist/submissions, top weekly (audio and flash), top daily (flash) Revenue, and cockjokes.

Cons: Flash portal has blamming (which causes some potentially hilarious one timer videos to go down), Audio portal has MASSIVE zerovoting (which still hasn't been dealt with for a few years, Art Portal took up time instead of updating the audio portal, no one reviews audio anymore unless it's made by Envy, F-777, ParagonX9, or anyone that frequently gets top 5 (-cough-CKC-cough-), flamers that have nothing better to do than terrorize people for the lulz, Audio Portal can be manipulated...

Yeah, it's awesome. *sarcasm*

I love that response.

One of the coolest sites ever :D

its a great site, but it has WAY to many cock headed spammers....

and has way to many cock joke makers...

+1 on what Archealor said. Newgrounds is full of people that will give 0's for a simple mistake also. They also won't scroll through the various mixes of music in the NAP. Most are crappy 10 year old mixes w/ a hacked FL studio or something ttytt.

Not to advertise, but I like the way you make music. Could you listen to mine? =)

Newgrounds is alright.... but it could be better. Anyone who isn't a jerk or a pervert is rarely found. There are too many stupid things that are allowed passed the "blamming" system and not enough good things. People hit "0" or "5" just to get their daily votes in so they can go to the next level without even watching a flash. They will give audio submissions "0" because they're either jealous, holding a grudge, retarded, or possibly 2 years old and unable to read let alone use a toilet. Another problem is the "rip-off artists", they have it for almost everything. Madness, Sonic the Hedgehog, Tetris remixes, and other endless parodies of anything and everything. Putting anything with out a visible signature in the art portal is just begging for it to be stolen.

The good aspects are that you can download awesome music and a couple of the millions of good flash movies (even though it's another way for stuff to be stolen from its users), the layout of the site is pretty easy to follow, and, well.... they... sell stickers?

I fucking love you.

It's a good site, but as everybody else said, way too many 0 bombers, hypocrites, and people that you tell them if they don't like don't listen to it; and they don't listen to you. People who make stuff is usually good user content, but there are only a FEW people that actually make sense in their commenting. It's pretty stupid how so many of these gimmicky songs make it so well in the ratings. Overall, the actual good stuff is always unrealized, and is always buried under thousands of submissions. Only a few float to the top, and you take it as they are actually the best and that's what you always listen to. Also, old songs seems to get 0 bombed more often, don't know why. You probably won't even bother to read this, but this is my 2 cents or whatever people say. If you can, start early on the site and see how you do. Hope for the best!

Hey man, I read every comment, I might not answer to each, but I do read them. I understand what you're saying, and this site is just full of hypocrites and children. You cant change that. You just have to start early, like you said.

Thanks for the comment :P